Best Way Build Muscle Fast - Training Tips, Schedules, Routines

Everyone's body shape and genetics are different and this foundation dictates how easy or hard it is for you to create new muscle tissue.

Building muscle can be divided into two basic components nutrition and weight training. To build muscle quickly you must do both of these together to be effective.

This article provides tips and guides for building muscle quickly using the best combination of nutrition and weight training routines.

The success of any muscle building program depends on the use of a simple online weight program tracking and monitoring tool. This will ensure that you remain on track to meet your target and and keep increasing the exercise load to effectively build muscle quickly.

This article provides simply tips to help you build muscle quickly and easily.

Discover how to build muscle quickly, effectively and safely with these great ideas and tips
Discover how to build muscle quickly, effectively and safely with these great ideas and tips. Source: Public Domain

Weight Training to Build Muscles Quickly

Focus on Compound Movements and Free Weight Routines - Use free weights, rather than machines to build muscle. Compound exercises are basically weight exercises that simultaneously work on multiple muscle groups. Compound exercise include: dips, barbell rows, chin ups, bench press, dead-lifts and squats Compound routines are the best way to build muscle mass as they induce the most stress and permit you to left the heaviest possible weights. The more stress you put on your body, the more muscle you will be able to build in response to the exercises.

Force Your Body To Adapt! - Develop a Program with Increasing Weekly Targets - You will only build muscle quickly if you steadily increase the loads and stress imposed on your body each week during your program. If you always lift the same weights and do the same number of reps every week, your body will stop putting on extra muscle - you need to increase the stress to stimulate more muscle growth every week of your program. Every week you should try to increase both the weight and reps by about 10 percent. This will help you gain strength and build muscle mass. This is often refereed to as 'Progressive Overload'.

Avoid Over-training - Allow time for Rest and Recovery - One of the common errors with a weights program is over-training your muscles by going to the gym too often. Your muscles and body needs time to rest and grow bigger and stronger. Daily trips to the gym are probably overdoing it, especially at he start.

Always Train Hard (100% intensity; every time) - To build muscle you need to train very hard during every session to your absolute limit, and a little beyond if you can. Working to the level of 'muscular failure' is well worthwhile. This means what it says - keep performing the exercises until you simply cannot move the weight though the full cycle.

Maintain consistency - Putting these ideas and developing a plan is one thing, but consistently completing it over and over again to stay on track to reach your goal requires a lot of dedication an personal commitment. This is where a good tracking and monitoring system is so helpful.

Train specifically for muscle growth ( Hypertrophy) - This must be your specific focus as opposed to strength-training or fitness. Use a combination of isolation and compound type exercises. Compound exercises are known to help to stimulate the release of growth hormone. Isolation movements are exercises that consist of rotary movement around a single joint, for example dumbbell bicep curls. These exercises complement the compound exercises by ensuring each muscle group gets worked to exhaustion.

Keep Your Workouts Short - Try to keep your intense weight-training sessions to a maximum of 45 minutes.

Rest Between Workouts - If your focus is building muscle then you want to work well beyond the aerobic level. You want lactic acid build-up which is a sign you are working hard enough

Effective Nutrition for Building Muscles

Eat Lots of Protein - Protein is known to be the most important nutrient in building muscle and protein shakes (see:How to Make a Protein Shake Shake) are a good idea as well as a protein rich diet. Protein is vital for building and repairing muscles.Your target should be to eat a minimum of 1-2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. The majority of your protein must come from high quality sources such as whey protein, poultry, beef, fish, eggs, milk, and protein supplements.

Eat Better and More Often - While protein is important, make sure you eat enough calories by increasing the number of meals you eat during the day, including protein shakes. Eat small meals every 2 to 3 hours, which adds up to about 5 to 7 meals per day. You need to include high quality protein at every single meal of the day. Don't go hungry as your body may start to break down your muscles for energy.

Drinks Lots of Water - Drinking plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Make sure water is always available and keep drinking it.

Suggested Training Routine

Beginners Fast Muscle Building Routine

Biceps and Back

Quads, Calves, Hamstrings

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Intermediate Fast Muscle Building Routine

Biceps and Back

Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Quads, Calves and Hamstrings

Stay Motivated! Keep on Track to achieve your target

Related Articles for Protein as a Nutrient

=> Dieting Myths Debunked - Calories from Protein, Fat, Carbs are Equal 

=> Why Calorie Counts for Protein and Fiber are Inaccurate 

=> High Protein Diet Myths - Review for Bodybuilding, Athletics and Weight Loss 

=> High Protein, High Fiber Foods for Healthy Eating and Weight Loss Diets 

=> High Protein Low Calorie Foods 

=> Top 12 Protein and Essential Amino Acid Sources for Vegans, Vegetarians 

=> Protein Balls Recipes Made with Fruit, Nuts, Seeds and Protein Powder 

=> Best Homemade Protein Bar Recipe Collection 

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